Written by: Anna Bergholtz, a Swedish freelance journalist, motivational speaker and the first blind film critic of Sweden. E-mail: [email protected]
Web Page (soon to be in English): http://www.annasvision.se/
Part 3
When I was sighted I had the same curiosity for persons being blind like a lot of people have for me today. I would not be surprised if I acted as if they came from another planet - the same way people can treat me now. For sure, no one does like that to be mean. I would say it is normal when you do not know anything about it. That’s why [with]tv is so important.
Everyone knows the power of media. It reaches us all. The more we learn, the less strange we feel about things. That is why I believe [with]tv can lead to disabled people becoming a natural part of society. Having a disability will be something we will all accept and will no longer be a big issue, as it often is today.
Sweden is often influenced by the States, certainly when it comes to media. It is the same for other countries around Europe. We are all small countries that do not always have the strength, resources and courage to try something new. [with]tv is definitely a bold step forward. I am sure it will be a good role model for others. When small countries like Sweden see that it works, they might follow. My hope is that we all can cooperate and that one day we will have [with]tv all over the world.
I encourage everyone to support PWdBC and [with]tv. It does not matter if you are a private person, an organization, a company or a whole community. They need all the support they can get. The more you support them now, the faster we will be all able to reach this important goal.