Tropic Thunder: What you can do now.
August 12, 2008
Dear Family and Friends of the DSALA:
There has been a tremendous outpour of support for the DSALA's efforts in regards to concerns over the DreamWorks film "Tropic Thunder" and the affects the language in the film will have now, and in the future, on individuals with Down syndrome and other intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Twenty DSALA members joined a group of 200 in a protest Monday night inWestwood, CA across the street from the Gala Premiere of the film. We were joined by Special Olympics, The Arc, TASH and more.
· Thank you to all who came out.
· Thank you for the volunteer support in our office during this time.
Many of you who were not able to attend the protest or assist in the office have asked what else you can do. Here you go!
Go to a new website set up by Special Olympics and sign up on their site to pledge your support to eliminate the demeaning use of the "r-word." The more who sign up the better, this site will assist us in putting pressure on decision makers in the media and elsewhere. Please forward to all you friends and family and have them support the cause as well.
Take advantage of The Arc website addressing "Tropic Thunder." You can catch up on all the articles and download their chapter "Action Kit" if you are planning a protest event of your own. You can also check their list of upcoming protests to join. Their calendar is being updated by the minute so keep checking back.
Disability News: Boycott Expected, Roundup of "Tropic Thunder" media protest covered, Groups Weigh Boycott of "Tropic Thunder"
Cross-posted on Planet of the Blind