Written by Connie Kuusisto on behalf of [with]tv
Not too long ago Steve Kuusisto wrote a post in which he reviewed the book Reasonable People: a Memoir of Autism & Adoption by Ralph James Savarese. Ralph and his wife, Emily, are parents to DJ, now a teenager living with his family in Iowa, emphasis on teenager (I'll tell you why later). Very simply put, this book is about DJ and his life and the lives of those who know and love him best.
I got to thinking about the next Disability Blog Carnival and the theme "If..." that Kara of If the World had Wheels has chosen. Not feeling particularly creative this early in the morning (OK I confess, I'm not a particularly creative person...a second cup of coffee is not going to help) but wanting to contribute to the carnival and support Kara's efforts, I finally remembered one of my favorite passages in Reasonable People, written by DJ himself. Then it dawned on me - I have a post! (Thanks to DJ, whom I've had the pleasure of meeting by the way...)
"I'm reasonable. Polite people make me feel comfortable. Which by the way isn't very often. Reasonable people promote very very easy breathing. Fearful creatures sadden me. Treating me as really weird teases the creatures. Testing real justices I'm treated hurtfully. Very interested in freeing justice not creatures. Justice frees my true self. If someone understands that testing kids might make them resentful testing might be stopped. I'm never going to be like everyone else. People need humanitarian approaches to my hurt mind. Unhurt, responsible, persevering, humorous, mighty people are helping my real, kind, mighty, very smart self." -- DJ Savarese
In my opinion, this teenager, besides being reasonable, is wise beyond his years.
If only we could ALL be this reasonable.
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